Product Review AI Writing Template: Amazon Affiliate Blog Demonstration

This is a product review template for Amazon affiliate blogs. It uses Wordhero AI to generate more natural reviews.


Swain Leung

8/3/202210 min read

Wordhero AI is a great tool for creating affiliate review blogs. As long as we figure out a process simple and easy to follow, we can see the results are professional-looking and polished. The best part is that it's all automatic, so you don't have to spend hours formatting and designing your blog posts. So let's get into this procedure.

Amazon Product Review
Amazon Product Review

You can click the below picture to download your copy-paste version in Google Docs:

product review - Template download Google DOCproduct review - Template download Google DOC

What should be in a product review template?

When you are writing a product review, there are certain key elements that you should include in your template. By taking the time to list these items, you can be sure that your review is thorough and provides all the information a reader needs to know.

  • Blog intro

  • Product brief introduction

  • How does the product serve customers

  • Product features listing

  • Product FAQs

  • Product Pros and ConsProduct alternatives

  • Call-To-Action conclusion

I will take an example from a real Amazon product review of a "fish tank pump with filter" in the UK market. And I will publish the final article on my fish pet website to find out what should be improved.

fish tank pump with filter - UK Amazon
fish tank pump with filter - UK Amazon

How do we use Wordhero AI to write a product review?

Product reviews are always on top of affiliate marketing blogs. There are a lot of factors to consider. You might want to think about what the product is designed to do, how well it does that, and what other people have had to say about it. But how do you go about gathering all of that information and putting it into a cohesive review? With Wordhero AI, of course!

First, start by doing some keyword research.

What words or phrases are people likely to use when searching for information on this product? Make sure to include those keywords in your review so that they will show up in search engine results.

Ubersuggest keyword researh - product review AI writing
Ubersuggest keyword researh - product review AI writing

Then, think about the overall quality of the product.

Is it well-made? Does it work as advertised? Are there any features you particularly like or dislike? Be honest in your assessment, but try to be objective as well. We have to be careful with the AI content output, it'll go emotional then we have to change the tones and words.

We can look into customers' ratings, feedback, and reviews for this product. We do affiliate marketing, yes, it is our work. But behind this, we are building our authority and gaining customers' trust. It depends on each and every time we promote a product with honesty and investigation.

PS: Never just pick a product and use an AI writer for false promotion!

product review - product quality consideration
product review - product quality consideration

Finally, use the Wordhero AI tools flexibly and smartly.

As I mentioned in the product comparison writing, don't hold back by the official state of tools. We need its general tools for multiple applications, and we also need its special tools for special purposes.

Blog intro: Blog Intros tool

This is almost the same case for any writing purpose with Wordhero AI. This is easily done:

blog intro input - product review
blog intro input - product review

And the blog intro output will be 3 versions, we can pick one, all conbine them and edit to our favourite version:

blog intro output - product review
blog intro output - product review

Product brief introduction

To start with, you should always list the product's name and where it can be purchased. This is important because readers need to know what they are looking for. Usually, I would manually write it down myself with this.

Next, provide a brief description of the product, including its features and what it is used for. If applicable, mention any unique selling points or extras that come with the product. I usually input the product keyword with the "Blog Paragraph" tool for this process:

product review - brief intro input
product review - brief intro input

And the output will be:

product review - brief intro output
product review - brief intro output

We just need to improve the content based on what we got. Other options for this process might be helpful:

  • Product Description

  • Amazone Product Description

There's optional content for this part, describe your experience using the product:

  • What did you think of it?

  • Was it easy to set up and use?

  • Did it meet your expectations?

Or, give your overall verdict on whether you would recommend the product or not.

How does the product serve customers?

A product is for problem-solving. We are doing Amazon affiliate marketing, hence we need to find out the problem and offer the solution behind the product that we recommend. There are some perfect tools for this process. I have introduced Wordhero AI's different copywriting formulas, there are 4 tools we can address our customers' problems and get them solved with our products:

  • AIDA copywriting formula (Aware, Interest, Desire, Action)

  • HSO copywriting formula (Hook, Solution, Offer)

  • PAS copywriting formula (Pain, Agitate, Solution)

  • FAB copywriting formula (Features, Advantages, Benefits)

You test out all these copywriting formulas one by one and find out your favourite tool, I usually do AIDA copywriting for AI content generation:

product review- AIDA copywriting input
product review- AIDA copywriting input

The output is:

product review- AIDA copywriting output
product review- AIDA copywriting output

But many people say they prefer PAS copywriting:

product review - PAS copywriting output
product review - PAS copywriting output

All these copywriting formulas are highlighting the importance of our product applications. We just need to simply input a few words. And we can do further improvement on Wordhero AI's editor. So Amazon affiliate blogs are not that difficult for us as long as we use Wordhero AI wisely.

Highlight product features, advantages, and benefits

As online shoppers, we're constantly inundated with advertisements and options. It can be difficult to determine which product is the best one to buy. To earn visitors' trust, we need to highlight products' features and advantages, and benefits.

One way to do this is by using bullet points or lists. This makes it easy for visitors to see the main selling points of a product and decide if it's the right one for them.

Another way to show a product's worth is by including customer reviews or testimonials on your page. This helps visitors feel confident that they're making a wise decision by buying from you.

As an affiliate marketer, I usually go for Wordhero AI's "Listicles" tool for highlighting the "why we pick" part:

product reivew - feacture listicle input
product reivew - feacture listicle input

Then we can see the output and we can add them to the blogs:

product review - feature listicle output
product review - feature listicle output

Don't forget that we can hit "All" to import every copy to the article. We would need to rephrase the content. Because there will be repeating the keywords based on what we input.

Product FAQs

There is an "FAQs" tool of Wordhero AI for this process. We might need to improve the keywords with some specific information. Here I add "for aquarium pumping" for it.

Product review - FAQs input
Product review - FAQs input

And then we will have a list of FAQs for this specific query:

Product review - FAQs output
Product review - FAQs output

Once we list out the questions, we use the "Quora Answers" tool to generate answers:

product reivew - FAQs by Quora Answers
product reivew - FAQs by Quora Answers

Once we list out the questions, we use the "Quora Answers" tool to generate simple answers:

product reivew - FAQs by Quora Answers
product reivew - FAQs by Quora Answers

FAQs' inquiries are also easily can be found on Google search pages, such as People Also Ask(PAA), related searches, and YouTube video comments. It's all about facts and data, so we might double-check the AI-generated content. We need to answer questions based on the actual product specification and application. And even we can consult with the seller for some important but uncertain issues.

Product Pros and Cons

When writing about the pros and cons of a product, being honest is the most important thing. Do not shy away from discussing the product's weaknesses. Also, be sure to focus on the product's features and how they can benefit the consumer. Finally, if there are any known shortages of the product, mention them.

This part will help consumers make an informed decision about whether or not to purchase the item.

We'll use the "Listicles" tool, just input like "pros of [product keywords]" to generate product advantages, and vice versa:

Then we are able to have some ideas as potential product Pros descriptions:

Also we would need to re-check about what we got. But Wordhero AI is making it super easy, right?

product review - pros listicle
product review - pros listicle
product review - pros listing
product review - pros listing

Product alternatives

As an affiliate, you want to provide your readers with the best possible information. Sometimes, this means introducing them to some similar products with different functions or applications. By doing so, you can be thoughtful and helpful, visitors will come back to you once they need you. After we provide some alternatives, the visitors will decide whether they need the original product or not.

And you can also do affiliate marketing for all the alternative products. In this way, no matter which product they click and jump to Amazon to buy, you are getting the commission anyway.

So in this case, for example, I would introduce a filter under the water as aN alternative:

product review - alternative products
product review - alternative products

And I will keep studying other products to meet customers' needs. In this part, we might make a chart to list the alternatives. And in this part, I don't think Wordhero AI can do much work.

My favorite format of this process can be found in Lasso's product review tutorial. And yes, I think they are providing great examples and tools for doing affiliate marketing. And this blog is realizing their theory with Wordhero AI.

Blog conclusion with Call-To-Action

When you write a blog post, it’s important to have a great conclusion so that your readers will stay on your site. Here are three tips for writing great blog conclusions:

1. Summarize your main points.

In your conclusion, summarize the main points of your blog post. This will help remind your readers of what they just read, and it will also help them understand the main idea of your post.

2. Offer a call to action.

Your conclusion is the perfect place to offer a call to action for your readers. Ask them to do something like subscribe to your blog, leave a comment, or share the post with their friends.

3. Give readers a reason to stay on your site.

In addition to summarizing your main points and offering a call to action, give readers a reason to stay on your site.

Regarding the above tips, we can use the "Blog Conclusions" tool to generate our affiliate blog closing part.

product review - blog conclusion input
product review - blog conclusion input
product review - blog conclusion output
product review - blog conclusion output

I usually combine all the copies and rephrase the content. And what is more, I would add links and related posts for people to explore more within my website.

Bonus 1: do trust-worthy reviews for long-term authority

When I first started this website, people tell me that I can review a lot of AI writing and SEO tools to make money. But when I learn more and more about affiliate marketing, I refuse to do so.

Reviews are important for online businesses, but they can be difficult to trust. Many people review products and services without any personal experience with them, and this can lead to unreliable information. This is a particular concern for long-term authority building since an inaccurate review could damage a business's reputation.

However, there are ways to write trustworthy reviews that can help build authority over time.

Another option is to look for competitors' sites that specialize in reviewing similar products or services. These sites often have staff who test the products or services they review, so their information is more likely to be accurate.

Finally, it's important to remember that not all reviews are created equal. Some people will try to write a review that's good enough to sound believable and get attention but isn't actually true. If you're going to post a review, make sure that it is accurate and provides information that will be helpful for others.

Bonus 2: team-up with our audiences

Audiences crave feedback. In the blogosphere, we should often give and ask for it in the form of questions. We want to know what our customers think of our posts, what they would like to see more of, and how our work is impacting them. So please stick with our audiences and keep the questions coming!

We also love giving feedback to our audiences. It helps us know that we’re on the right track and provides ideas for future posts. Plus, it’s just plain fun to share our insights with others.

We hope visitors will continue providing us with their thoughts, feelings, and suggestions (via comments or even e-mails) on our posts; we love getting them! And in return, we should promise to keep sharing our reactions to their work as well.

Last thoughts

We have explored the AI Writing Template as a great way to create Amazon affiliate blogs. It is easy to use and helps you to create high-quality content quickly and easily. I highly recommend you create your own template and recipe for your niches. It's easy to get 700-1400 words within 15-25 minutes with template-oriented AI blog generating in my daily work. And all posts are indexed and ranked after slight edition. You can do it too! Thanks for reading!