Product Comparison: How to Write a Affliate Blog With Wordhero AI

Learn how to write a product comparison with this free step-by-step guide from Wordhero AI. It helps us generate sales and increase our conversion rate.


Swain Leung

7/21/202211 min read

Looking to compare your products to an established competitor? Wordhero AI can help! With its easy-to-use platform, you can create a comprehensive product comparison that incorporates data from across your brand’s product lines.

Today we are going to discuss how to use Wordhero AI to write a product comparison type of affiliate article. We used to talk about AI writing affiliate blogs generally. Let's go for more detailed tutorial.

Wordhero AI tools overview for product comparison
Wordhero AI tools overview for product comparison

Why comparison of products matters?

Product comparison helps ready-to-buy customers determine which product to order. It should be related to the keywords at the bottom of the sales funnel. By comparing products, visitors can see which one has more features, a lower price, or better reviews. Our comparison information should direct potential customers to buy their preferred products.

Product comparison content parts

When writing a product comparison, you need to consider the Google algorithm and what content type and parts of that content will best match the searcher's intent. The Google algorithm is designed to provide the best user experience possible, so if your content doesn't match what the person is looking for, they may not find your page.

Make sure that you are including all of the necessary information for product comparison and that it is formatted in a way that makes it easy for users to compare. You should also think about how you can help the searcher by providing comparisons of related products.

Here's a typical template that should be included in product comparison blogs:

  • blog title

  • the blog introduction

  • the product overview

  • a product comparison chart

  • product features comparison

  • the conclusion

And to make it visually and trackable, I will do a post that I am going to update on my other affiliate website for fishkeeping.

How to use Wordhero AI to write a product comparison?

Are you curious about how to use Wordhero AI to write a product comparison? Wondering what tools you should be using for your blog? AI can do some of the work, but it's important to add our valuation and humanize the content. Here we'll show you how to do it step by step:

1. Write a blog title: use Blog Headlines or Blog Topics tool

The Wordhero AI writing tools for blog headlines and blog topics are helping us to write blog titles and headlines, offering suggestions and corrections according to our input keywords. It can help us to write faster and more efficiently.

So let's say, I want to write a product comparison between LED light and florescent light for Aquarium lighting purpose. At first I look into the Ubersuggest to find out what I should talk about:

Ubersuggest keyword - aquarium lighting
Ubersuggest keyword - aquarium lighting

Let's check out the search volume, CPC, and SEO difficulty of two selected keywords:

  • aquarium with led light: 3600/mon, $0.56, 37

  • aquarium light fluorescent: 210/mon, $0.78, 44

There are several comparison keyword qualifiers or modifiers to bring compared items' keywords together:

  • Product A VS Product B

  • Product A OR Product B

  • Product A against Product B

  • Product A compare to Product B

  • Product A's alternative: Product B(X alternatives of Product A)

Let's use Wordhero AI Blog Topics input:

aquarium with led light vs aquarium light fluorescent

Then we get results:

  • The Advantages of LED Lighting Over Fluorescent Lighting In Your Aquarium: LED lighting is becoming more popular in the aquarium

  • Aquarium with LED Lights vs Aquarium with Fluorescent Lights: Which is better?

  • The Benefits of LED Aquarium Lighting Over Fluorescent

These are good topics we can use for starting a blog.

Wordhero AI Blog Topics
Wordhero AI Blog Topics

These are good topics we can use for starting a blog.

And let's try another tool, the Blog Headlines with the same input. There should be a little difference(I complete some sentences):

  • Get the Best Lighting for Your Aquarium - LED vs Fluorescent

  • which is better for an aquarium light?

  • LED or fluorescent lights for aquariums - what's the difference?

  • Aquarium light fluorescent vs LED: which is more efficient?

  • Aquarium light fluorescent vs LED: which provides better lighting?

Wordhero AI Blog Headlines
Wordhero AI Blog Headlines

Maybe there should be a series of articles, one talks about their difference, one focuses on efficiency, one on lighting effectiveness, etc. For now, we start from this title or headline:

LED or fluorescent lights for aquariums - what's the difference?

2. Write a blog introduction: use the Blog Intros tool

Once the headline is settled down, we can simply input the sentence into the Blog Intros tool to write a blog introduction:

Wordhero AI Blog Intros
Wordhero AI Blog Intros

Simply click "write for me" then we have several copies to be chosen:

Wordhero AI Blog Intros Results
Wordhero AI Blog Intros Results

When you're thinking about how to start your blog, it's important to make a great first impression. Your intro should be compelling and attractive so that readers will pay attention. It's also important to make sure your intro is on-topic and relevant to your blog. Otherwise, you'll lose readers before they even have a chance to learn what you have to say.

So I would combine those intros to make it like this:

Wordhero AI blog writing - saved good sentences
Wordhero AI blog writing - saved good sentences

PS: as a habit, I don't "waste" what has been written by Wordhero AI, I am going to use it later.

3. Write a product overview: use Blog Paragraphs tool

When you are looking to buy a product, you want to be sure that you are making the best choice. You want to know everything about the product before purchasing it. This is where a product overview comes in handy. A product overview gives you all of the important information about a product so that you can make an informed decision.

Background information about the product and who developed it is the key focus of a good product overview. In addition, if there are any special features or functions that the product has, these will be outlined in detail here. Finally, any potential downsides or problems with using the product will also be covered in a comprehensive overview.

All of this information can help customers make an informed purchase and feel confident in their decision. By taking the time to read a well-crafted product overview, customers will be able to purchase with ease and assurance.

Here we don't use Wordhero AI to generate outlines, because this part is for "What is xx" or "Who invent or develop xx":

Wordhero AI Blog Paragraphs Input
Wordhero AI Blog Paragraphs Input

Simply click "write for me" then some great materials are already there:

Wordhero AI Blog Paragraphs Output
Wordhero AI Blog Paragraphs Output

Then we go for the 2nd product keywords:

Wordhero AI Blog Paragraphs Output version 2
Wordhero AI Blog Paragraphs Output version 2

So far, I don't bother to write anything, just simply insert some keywords from Ubersuggest and daily life knowledge. If I am new to this niche, I might spend one or two hours getting familiar with it. Now the first 5 minutes I've got 27 sentences and 349 words in total:

AI writing fast output
AI writing fast output

How about in the future I practice this writing formula, or say, process or pattern? Maybe it'll just be 2 or 3 min work!

4. Create a comparison list: use the Listicle tools to create a chart or table

For mobile-friendly consideration, we usually should be careful to list out the comparison with a chart or table. At least, we can take a picture for a side-by-side comparison table. If we run a website on WordPress, we can use the Table Press plugin to ensure the best edition.

What should we write about the comparison list?

This part actually can be a TL;DR part of the product features comparison. There are a few things to keep in mind when creating a product comparison list:

  • List out customers' most concerned issues

  • Organize the information for easy comparison.

  • Be clear and concise in your writing.

Regarding the "aquarium lighting choosing considerations", if we input this phrase in the Listicle tools:

Wordhero AI Listicles Inputs
Wordhero AI Listicles Inputs

Here we got results:

Wordhero AI Listicles Results
Wordhero AI Listicles Results

Combining some personal experience and feedback from Facebook groups (to run this niche, I have to be an investigator or detective):

comparison chart example
comparison chart example

Depending on Wordhero AI to write everything is not a good idea. We won't have insights without detailed facts and data checking. What we get from AI is the evolution part of our article based on our keywords input. But what about the revolution part of our article? It's from meeting the people's demands and making some deals after they read what we wrote. We have to create a problem-solving page for product comparison.

And don't hold back to the typical application or official saying of the Wordhero AI tools. The Listicle tool is not the only tool for a comparison listing. We can try Quora Answers tool:

Wordhero AI Quora Answers for listing
Wordhero AI Quora Answers for listing

It's providing with another type of listing. And it sounds more personal and engaging:

When choosing an aquarium light, you'll need to consider the size of your tank, the type of fish you plan to keep, and the type of light you want.

For tanks up to 30 gallons, a basic fluorescent light will be fine. For larger tanks, you'll need a more powerful light. T5 or LED lights are good options for larger tanks.

We all know AI is for better creation. Why don't we use tools in some unexpected ways in order to stay creative?

5. Product features comparison: use the Features-Advantages-Benefits tool

We have introduced the AI copywriting tool of Features-Advantages-Benefits, today we are going to explore it again. It is a formula that highlights the worth-buying parts of a product. And we would also want this call-to-action (CTA) part helps us to finalize the visitors' purchasing decision.

When it comes to making a purchase, people want to know what they are getting for their money. This is especially true when it comes to big-ticket items like cars and smartphones. In order to make an informed decision, consumers often compare the features of different products.

One way to do this is by looking at the advantages and benefits of each product. For instance, one product might have a longer battery life than another. Another product might have a better camera or more storage capacity.

By comparing the features of different products, consumers can get a sense of what they need and want in a product. They can also get an idea of what the best product is for their needs.

So let's try "LED light for aquarium lighting" input:

Wordhero AI FAB tools test
Wordhero AI FAB tools test

Then try "fluorescent light for aquarium lighting" input:

Wordhero AI blog FAB tool test
Wordhero AI blog FAB tool test

The copies are not perfect, but I can generate more versions and combine them. And maybe change the input for other related topics. And the best way is, to look into the competitors in SERP's top 10 articles. We can get a lot of inspiration and information from what's already ranked on search engines.

6. The conclusion: use the Blog Conclusion tool

This is maybe the easiest part, I usually input the headline as the description:

Then I got two options to be improved for the conclusion:

And now we got 6 parts in total of the product comparison done. It is not that hard if we really follow the steps and choose the right keywords.

But it's not that easy if you don't do any background and market research. I am turning my hobby into a serious niche, there are a lot of things to be learned and shared. I am glad if you got something from my journey.

Wordhero AI blog conclusion input
Wordhero AI blog conclusion input
Wordhero AI blog conclusion output
Wordhero AI blog conclusion output

FAQs for using Wordhero AI

There are very frequently asked questions regarding my Wordhero AI experience. And I think they are also concerned for writing affiliate blogs including the product comparison type. So I will briefly share with you here:

Q: What is the AI writing content percentage for the 1st time writing?

A: In my regular writing, the 1st time draft, there will be 75%~95% depending on the topic and niches.

Q: Will the AI content got hit by the Google core update?

A: We are using AI to create value for the whole internet, not manipulate the Google algorithm. AI content is part of our writing strategy for saving our time and energy. People can use the same tools to create different content and obtain different performances. I did not get hit by Google.

Q: Will AI content be indexed and ranked?

A: I can guarantee at least on this website, each and every URL is with AI-generated content. And I will insist on checking all of the indexing and ranking from the Google search console. For now, it's all indexed and ranked.

Q: Focus on quality or quantity when we use Wordhero AI to write?

A: For a new website, my strategy will be quantity first and keep high quality as far as I can. I am planning 3 articles per week or so for 1st year, at least 1 of 3 articles is with high-quality and in-depth content.

Bonus 1: always optimize and humanize content after AI writing

Online product selling should be easily accessible to the average customer. We have introduced how to find the right words to describe products in a comparable way. We need to make sure the content is both accurate and appealing to potential buyers.

Sometimes, it can be helpful to use artificial intelligence (AI) writing tools to help create content. However, it is important to always optimize and humanize the content after the AI has written it. We won't let go of any chances to improve visitors' user experience and engagement.

I used to share how to make Wordhero AI's sentence shorter to make it more human-like and increase the readability. Even though Wordhero AI has upgraded its output after my feedback, we still need to pay attention on it, especially when we write for children and less educated audience:

I did this every time, maybe that's why all my content in 6 different websites "survive" from Google's May core update. And I think I will keep on doing this kind of optimization. Further instructions and details you can click to view:

Bonus 2: focus on conversion, not traffic

According to my previous framework for affiliate marketing, people might have the impression that we should go for high-volume keywords without hesitation.

Affiliate Blog Writing Flowchart
Affiliate Blog Writing Flowchart

As affiliate marketers, we always want to make a deal. But if we apply high search volume, the reality is we are not going to expect a lot of conversions. There are 3 types of blogs that are great ways to convert visitors into buyers:

  • Product review: to evaluate one product and its features. It may also provide information about how well the product works and how satisfied the reviewer is with it.

  • Product comparison: to show the features and specifications of two or more products. It can help us decide which product is best for our needs.

  • The best of xx product: to highlight some advantageous or dominating product features. It is intended to convince us to choose the best product or option within the xx demand, industry, or category.

    The above 3 types of blogs are product reviews in different forms. Regarding the search intent, we should not focus on keywords with a high search volume but on top-of-the-funnel. And according to Harsh Gupta, we should aim for keywords on bottom-of-the-funnel even though it's low search volume for our converting blog posts:

However, there are a few things to keep in mind when writing those review articles:

  1. First, be sure to thoroughly test the product before writing your review. This will help you provide accurate information about the product's features and performance.

  2. Additionally, be sure to write in a clear, concise, and engaging manner.

  3. Finally, make sure to include images or videos to help illustrate your points.

Last thoughts:

In conclusion, using Wordhero AI to write a product comparison is an effective way to create a well-informed decision. The tool is easy to use and helps you gather all the information you need to make the best choice for your needs. So, what are you waiting for? Start using Wordhero AI today!