Keyword Research for Blogging: How to Outrank on Google

A step-by-step guide on how to do keyword research for blogging and how to outrank on Google.


Swain Leung

5/19/202210 min read

What will be the process to do keyword research for blogging that outrank our competitors on Google? When you are blogging, it is important to ensure that your content is being seen by as many people as possible. One way to achieve this is through keyword research. By understanding and applying what keywords people are searching for, you can rank higher on Google and attract more readers.

Today, let's talk about more details on how to outrank our blogs on Google from the very beginning stage: keyword research.

1. What is keyword research?

Keyword research is the process of finding and selecting the best keywords for your website or blog. It’s important for blogging. Because if you target the wrong keywords, you won’t get the traffic you need to make your blog successful.

There are a number of factors to consider when doing keyword research, including:

  • the popularity of the keyword,

  • how competitive it is,

  • and how relevant it is to your topic.

You also need to find keywords that have low competition but high search volume. So you can get traffic from people who are actively looking for information on your topic.

Once you’ve selected a few good keywords, you can start including them in your content and optimizing your website or blog for them. Searching for keywords is an essential part of blogging because without knowing what people are searching for, you can t produce content that provides the answers they need.

2. Why keyword research is important for blogging?

Keyword research is important for blogging because it allows you to identify the keywords that your target audience is using to find information online. Once you know which keywords to target, you can use them throughout your blog post to help improve your search engine ranking and increase website traffic.

Blogging is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website. But, if you don't do keyword research, you could be targeting the wrong keywords and not getting the traffic you want.

Keyword research is important because it helps you find the right keywords to target with your blog post. It also helps you understand what people are searching for and how competitive those keywords are. By doing keyword research, you can make sure that your blog posts are targeting the right keywords, and that you're not wasting your time targeting keywords that no one is searching for.

Lookout for SEO-friendly keywords

SEO-friendly keywords will help their blog rank higher on search engines. In order to find the best keywords for their blog, they use a variety of tools, including keyword research tools, Google AdWords Keyword Planner, and Google Trends. By using these tools, bloggers can determine which keywords are most relevant to their blog and which ones have the highest search volume. They also use these tools to track the competition for each keyword and determine how difficult it will be to rank high for those keywords.

Identifying Your Target Audience

As a blogger, it's important to know your target audience and keep them in mind when writing blog posts. To do this, you will want to use a tool such as Google Analytics or HubSpot's Content Insights. After you have enabled these tools on your website, you can find out what keywords people are searching for and see which posts and pages get the most traffic.

3. What are the best keyword research tools?

When it comes to finding the best keywords for your website, there are a lot of tools and methods that you can use. In this article, we will discuss three of the most popular tools and how to use them.

The first tool is Ahrefs. This is a paid tool, but it offers a lot of features that can help you find the right keywords for your website. ahrefs allows you to see how many monthly searches a particular keyword has, as well as how competitive the keyword is. It also tells you how many backlinks the top-ranking websites have for that keyword.

The second tool is SEMRush. This is also a paid tool, but it offers a lot of features that can help you find profitable keywords. SEMRush tells you how much traffic a particular keyword gets, as well as the ad spends for that keyword.

Both Ahrefs and SEMRush are powerful but expensive. Regarding the keyword research demand, we can simply submit a month of service but we'll finish research for half a year or an entire year.

The third tool is Ubersuggest. Ubersuggest allows you to find keywords that have a lot of search volume, but low competition. This is great for targeting keywords that aren't too competitive, but also have a lot of searches. I mainly use it because personal lifetime access is fine for me. I just want to manage 1-3 websites as a starter freelancer.

I recommend those tools because they are with long-term reputation and thoughtful tutorials on Youtube or their blogs. Once we are familiar with the keyword research process, we'll be able to use other cost-effective alternative keyword research tools. And even more related tools such as Similar Content Pro, and MarketMuse for better SEO ranking.

4. How to do keyword research for your blog post?

One of the most important aspects of blogging is creating content that will help your readers and attract new ones. In order to create content that is effective, you need to do keyword research. Keyword research will help you determine what topics to write about and which keywords to target. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do keyword research for your blog post:

  1. Start with a general search term.

    If you're not sure what you're looking for, start with a broad topic and then narrow it down as needed. For example, if you need information on the Zika virus, start by typing "Zika virus" into the search bar. It's our seed keyword for more keyword choices.

    If you know what you're looking for, use keywords to target your search. For example, if you want to know how to make a paper airplane, type "paper airplane instructions" into the search bar.

  2. Choose a specific topic.

    The first step is to choose a topic. Brainstorm a list of topics that are relevant to your blog and that you are interested in writing about.

  3. Generate related keywords.

    Once you have chosen a topic, generate a list of keywords related to that topic. Use Google's AdWords Keyword Tool or another tool such as Ubersuggest or Soovle to find keywords related to your topic.

  4. Analyze SEO competition.

    When you have generated a list of keywords related to your topic, analyze the competition using a tool such as SEMrush or Ahrefs. This will help you determine how competitive your topic is and how much traffic it generates.

5. Tips: find the right keywords

When you're writing a blog post, it's important to use keywords that will help people find your content online. But how do you know which keywords to use? Here are a few tips to help you find the right keywords for your blog post.

  1. Use keyword research tools.

    Firstly find keywords related to your topic. You can enter a keyword or phrase, and the tool will show you a list of related keywords and phrases.

  2. Use Google Trends.

    Google Trends can help you see how popular a particular keyword is over time. You can also see how popular a keyword is in different regions of the world. It can help you see how popular a particular keyword is over time. This information can be valuable when deciding what keywords to target for your website.

    Google Trends also provides data on related keywords, so you can get an idea of what other terms people are using when searching for information about your topic. This information can help you refine your SEO strategy and ensure that your site is reaching the right audience.

  3. Use Google search results.

    When you type a keyword into Google, the search engine will show you the most popular websites that contain that keyword. You'll be surprised by using PAA(People Also Ask), and related queries for your outline generating.

6. How to determine whether a keyword is worth targeting?

When it comes to SEO, one of the most important decisions you'll make is what keywords to target. But how do you determine whether a keyword is worth targeting? Here are 4 tips:

  1. Check the competition.

    If there are too many websites targeting a particular keyword, it will be difficult to rank high on search engine results pages (SERPs). Try finding keywords that have less competition, but still receive a good amount of traffic.

  2. Check the monthly search volume.

    If a keyword has a lot of monthly search volume, it means there's a lot of potential traffic that can be generated from ranking high for that term. However, if the monthly search volume is low, it may not be worth targeting that keyword.

  3. Check the topic relevance.

    When you're writing a paper, it's important to make sure that the topic you choose is relevant to your assignment. You can do this by using keywords related to your topic when you do a Google search. This will help you make sure that you're covering the right material and that your paper is on point.

    The Similar Content Pro tool is using a statistic method to reverse-engineer the top SERPs. It will come up with a keyword cluster or keyword group to be covered in our blog.

  4. Consider your business goals.

    If your goal is to rank high on search engine results pages, then it's important to find the best keywords. But if you have other business goals such as building an email list or increasing sales, then it may not be worth targeting the same specific keyword. You need to focus on keywords that can call to action.

    For example, the keyword "free SEO online tools" is a nice pick for a blog post, but if your intention is for getting more subscribers, you'd better aim for keywords that people want to stick with you. Such as you can use a more specific keyword "free online SEO tools for website analysis" and provide a tutorial PDF file download to get visitors' emails on your marketing list.

keyword research: free SEO online tools
keyword research: free SEO online tools

7. How to outrank your competitors for targeted keywords?

If your business depends on search engine traffic, then you'll want to know how to outrank your competitors for targeted keywords. There are a few different techniques that you can use, but one of the most effective is using Ahrefs' Keyword Explorer.

The Keyword Explorer allows you to see which keywords your competitors are targeting, as well as the estimated search traffic for those keywords. This can help you to determine which keywords are worth targeting yourself.

You can also use the "Position Changes" report to see how your competitors are ranking for different keywords. This report will show you which keywords your competitor has gained or lost rankings for over time.

I made a video to show how to use Similar Content Pro for blogging optimization. And other people might use SurferSEO, MarketMuse, Frase, etc. They are quite similar methods to make sure better your content in a visualized way:

8. How to track the ranking of your targeted keywords?

If you're running a blog, it's important to track your ranking for targeted keywords. This will help you determine whether your SEO efforts are paying off, and which keywords you should focus on more. There are a few different ways to track your blog's ranking:

1) Use Google Search Console.

This tool provides data on how your site is performing in Google search results, including information on impressions, clicks, and average positions. You can also use Search Console to get alerts when your site has been penalized by Google and to troubleshoot issues with your website.

2) Use a tool like Ahrefs or Moz to track your rankings over time.

These tools provide detailed data on how your site is performing for specific keywords, as well as information on the competition for those keywords. They also offer tips on how to improve your ranking for specific keywords.

9. How to maintain your blog's ranking?

There's nothing quite like the feeling of accomplishment you get when you see that your website has moved up in the search engine rankings. Especially when it's a result of all the hard work you've put in to improve your site. As website owners and bloggers, we know that keeping our sites ranking high is an ongoing process that takes continual effort if we want to stay ahead of the competition. Do you want your blog or website to move up even one spot in the search engine results pages (SERPs)? Here are works we need to do:

1. Checking your blog's ranking is important to maintaining its visibility and improving its search engine optimization (SEO). There are a number of tools and methods you can use to check your blog's ranking, including the Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and various SEO tools.

2. Updating your blog frequently is important for maintaining its ranking. The more often you update your blog, the more likely it is to be found by search engines. In addition, updated content is more likely to be shared on social media, which can also help improve your blog's ranking.

3. Sharing your content on social media is a great way to increase traffic to your blog and improve its ranking. When you share your content on social media, make sure to use appropriate hashtags so that it will be found by other users.

4. Link-building for your blogs. Building links to your blog is a great way to improve the ranking of your content. When you link-build for your blog, make sure that the links are relevant. Also, try to use anchor text that will be found by search engines.

5. Use content marketing to get more traffic. Content marketing can help you attract new readers and increase the ranking of your blog. When you publish new content on your blog, make sure that it is relevant to your audience and provides valuable information.


In conclusion, keyword research is an important tool for bloggers. By understanding the keywords that people are using to find information, bloggers can create content that is more relevant and useful to their audience. Additionally, keyword research can help bloggers target specific keywords that they want to rank for in search engines. By using the right tools and techniques, bloggers can get the most out of their keyword research and improve their blog's visibility and impact.