"Write More": The #1 Tricky Wordhero AI Tool

Find out how to use the "write more" function in Wordhero AI to write faster and better.


Swain Leung

7/26/20226 min read

I have heard a lot of Wordhero AI users complaining about the "write more" function. Me too, even if it makes me intend to do a series review. Recently, I think I had the wrong expectation about this tool. So today let's look into it and share how to make it perform well.

What is the "Write More" tool in Wordhero AI?

The "write more" tool is with a pen icon, then the official statement will be: write more after cursor or highlighted text(min 50 char, max 600 char lookback).

There are at least 3 things to be considered here:

  1. We need to tell Wordhero AI where (cursor) or which part (highlighted) to continue automatic writing;

  2. The lookback has a limitation of 50-600 char, let's say 1 to 10 sentences in average lookback;

  3. Hidden fact - there are two ways to use the "write more" tool: cursor position or highlight text.

We can based on the above 3 points explore more details for this writing tool.

My experience with the "Write More" AI tool

If all Wordhero AI tools are listed as a 3-layer pyramid, the top one will be the Blog Paragraphs, and "write more" is just the middle layer tool for me.

Actually, the very first moment I fell in love with Wordhero AI was Jeff's video showing the cursor mode. I thought it was my most wanted function: saving me from where I am stuck in my painful writing journey! Stop somewhere in the article and AI writes for me! How can I miss this?

But when I tested, I would say, my heart was a little broken: it offered me 2 or 3 sentences after the cursor yet not even related to what has been written. Then I keep on testing, and at least I find out some cases the "write more" will generate related content as I expected.

The ultimate principle is to be more specific in what we want the AI tool to do. When AI “knows” what we want, it's a super sweety, otherwise a supper dummy. And let's see what can make a difference.

"Write More" AI tool Pros and Cons?

The "write more" AI tool Pros:

  1. No-brain work, we simply choose somewhere or some text to generate related content.

  2. A huge time-saving process, especially when we make sure the AI will write in a certain pattern.

  3. A great creation generator when we don't have any idea to write, just write more.

The "write more" AI tool Cons:

  1. Unrelated output in most cases when the context is relatively completed for a paragraph.

  2. Unexpected output for non-popular niche or low search volume topics.

  3. Write more to get the next step, explaining or listing instead of being creative or story-telling.

How can we make the "Write More" AI tool perform better?

The "write more" AI tool is a great way to help content creators produce more content, but it should be improved manually. Some ways to make the tool work better include:

  1. Understand what the AI tool is and how it works. This will help us be more effective.

  2. Customize the content format to better suit AI's needs. This will help us be more productive.

  3. Combine with other AI tools to provide better results. This will help us be more creative.

So let's define two modes for using the "write more" tool to understand it better:

  • Cursor mode: using the cursor to point out where to generate AI content, regardless of what content to be lookback.

  • Highlight mode: highlight some text to create related content by Wordhero AI, pointing out the content to be lookback.

Each mode has its advantages and shortages. The output is depending on our niche and keywords. AI is pre-trained to help us. If it is not "familiar" with what we are going to write, then we have to change our input. Therefore, different modes require different input tricks to ensure better content creation quality. Let's test it out!

Cursor mode tests and strategies

Let's take a real case study based on a topic: a fish tank with a siphon effect function

For the blog intro part when I finish the original AI-generated part, simply instruct the AI to write more after the cursor:

cursor mode - blog intro
cursor mode - blog intro

Then we got the results:

cursor mode - blog intro output
cursor mode - blog intro output

Then let's simply use the Blog Paragraphs tool for the next outline, again use the write more function:

cursor mode - outline 1 input
cursor mode - outline 1 input

Then we got the results:

cursor mode - outline 1 output
cursor mode - outline 1 output

Well, it's not generating the typical content that I expected. But it is a surprise that I can start a new outline with this new content. It is what I miss but also an important part of this blog.

Is the Wordhero AI moving forward instead of writing around? I think so. This scenario is the usual case when we use "write more" in cursor mode. In my opinion, AI will stop generating more answers to a question when answers are considered sufficient, and so does an explanation of a core concept.

Usually, I deal with this in two ways:

The first way is - Insert something new to "activate" Wordhero AI to write more.

Regarding a "what is" part for the blog, here we try to input the concept meaning sentence "The siphon effect is the concept that" and press write more:

cursor mode - outline 2 input
cursor mode - outline 2 input

Then I think I got some satisfactory content. Without AI's help, I would have to check some Wikipedia pages to find out and then copy-paste, rephrase the sentences, etc.:

cursor mode - outline 2 output
cursor mode - outline 2 output

I would use the Sentences Expander tool to make the paragraph more expressive and informative.

The second way is - to use the Blog Paragraphs tool instead of the Write More tool. Highlight the paragraph then click the rocket icon:

highlight paragraph to generate text
highlight paragraph to generate text

Then we get a more detailed version the replace the original paragraph:

more detailed version paragraph
more detailed version paragraph

This is exactly why I use Write More tool less day after day. If I try short paragraph or thin content that Write More tool is not doing great job, I go ahead directly for the Blog Paragraphs tool.

Highlight mode tests and strategies

Here's simply test it out:

highlight paragraph to write more
highlight paragraph to write more

Then I got something related but need to manually rephrase a little:

write more content based on highlighted part
write more content based on highlighted part

Anyway, I think the write more tool is the most tricky tool in Wordhero AI. And highlight mode is less tricky than the cursor mode. Regard of a single paragraph or thin content, I love the highlight mode better and use it more in my work.

"Write More" AI tool most valuable applications

My favorite operation for "Write More" is after using the Listicle tool or any other ways that AI will generate content in an expected pattern:

Wordhero AI listicle tool for benefits listing
Wordhero AI listicle tool for benefits listing

In many cases, we need to list out some benefits, advantages, features, etc. And Wordhero AI's Listicle tool is always my best helper. Then I usually go for writing more, it will follow the pattern as we already got:

write more generate patterns
write more generate patterns

If I put this sentence ahead, then rest of listing points I mark with a "-" to inform AI they should be generated in a similar way:

cursor for pattern writing
cursor for pattern writing
other listing points same pattern
other listing points same pattern

Then I do "write more" for each sentence, and there will be extra listing idea generated by AI:

During the entire process, I did not write anything. Even the outline is generated by AI. I am the monitor for AI generating my blog draft. I only need to combine some similar ideas into one listing. This is the case where the "write more" tool contributes the most valuable output.

What should we do after have done the generating work? I usually insert some latent semantic words to get more keyword rankings within the same article. I have introduced the process in my other post:


In conclusion, "Write More" is an excellent tool for helping writers improve their writing skills. The Wordhero AI technology provides a supportive and encouraging tool for writers to go further. I highly recommend Write More when we know there is a pattern to follow or some expressions to be fulfilled. If you are having trouble with this tool, please read again, you'll find out it's going to serve you well when you use it in the right way!