Improving the WordHero AI Interface with 3 Modes

Wordhero AI is great. However, the current interface can be improved to make it more user-friendly and efficient.


10/27/20232 min read

WordHero is a powerful AI content generator that can help you create high-quality content for a variety of purposes. However, the current interface can be a bit daunting for new users. This article will propose three new modes that could make the WordHero AI interface more user-friendly and accessible to a wider range of users.

3 Proposed Modes

1. Preset Mode

The preset mode would provide users with a variety of pre-made templates and settings for generating different types of content. This would be ideal for users who need to generate content quickly and easily, without having to worry about learning all of the different options and settings available in WordHero.

For example, the preset mode could include templates for generating blog posts, social media posts, email newsletters, and even product descriptions. Users would simply need to select the desired template and enter a few basic details, such as the topic of the content and the target audience. WordHero would then generate the content automatically.

2. One-Click Mode

The one-click mode would be even simpler to use than the preset mode. In this mode, users would simply need to enter a keyword or phrase, along with a few basic requirements or descriptions. WordHero would then generate a piece of content based on the user's input.

The one-click mode would be ideal for users who need to generate short snippets of content, such as social media posts or email subject lines. It would also be useful for users who are new to WordHero and are not yet familiar with all of the different options and settings available.

3. Blank Mode

The blank mode would give users complete control over the AI content generation process. In this mode, users would be able to manually specify all of the settings, such as the type of content to be generated, the target audience, and the tone of voice.

The blank mode would be ideal for users who need to generate highly customized content, such as landing pages, product descriptions, or marketing materials. It would also be useful for experienced WordHero users who want to fine-tune the AI content generation process to meet their specific needs.

Benefits of the 3 Proposed Modes

The three proposed modes would offer a number of benefits to WordHero users, including:

  • Increased accessibility: The three modes would make WordHero more accessible to a wider range of users, including those who are new to AI content generation or who need to generate content quickly and easily.

  • Improved user experience: The three modes would make the WordHero AI interface more user-friendly and efficient.

  • Increased flexibility: The three modes would give users more flexibility to control the AI content generation process and to generate content that meets their specific needs.


The three proposed modes would be a valuable addition to the WordHero AI interface. They would make WordHero more accessible, user-friendly, and flexible, allowing more users to benefit from the power of AI content generation.

I have been discussing with Wordhero team already. Please let me know if you have any questions and suggestions.