Content differential: keyword gap vs information gap

Master the art of content optimization with our guide on understanding the keyword gap versus information gap. Stay ahead of the curve!


8/28/20232 min read

Keyword gap analysis and information gap analysis are two different methods for identifying content gaps on your website. I don't completely follow SEMRUSH's content gap definition, just partly take their keyword gap. And I add information gaps together to form my concept of "Content Gap".

Keyword gap analysis compares your existing keyword strategy to your competitors. It identifies keywords that your competitors are ranking for that you are not. This can help you to identify opportunities to improve your search engine rankings by creating content that targets these keywords.

Information gap analysis identifies topics that are not currently covered on your website, but that your target audience is interested in. This can help you to identify opportunities to create content that will provide value to your readers and attract more traffic to your website. This is mentioned by some SEO experts, including Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR in the video Is Topical Authority Real?

The main difference between keyword gap analysis and information gap analysis is that keyword gap analysis focuses on keywords, while information gap analysis focuses on topics. Keyword gap analysis can be a helpful tool for identifying opportunities to improve your search engine rankings, but it is important to remember that not all keywords are created equal.

Some keywords are more competitive than others, and it may not be possible to rank for them even if you create high-quality content. Information gap analysis can help you to identify topics that are not currently covered on your website, but that your target audience is interested in. This can help you to create content that will provide value to your readers and attract more traffic to your website.

The best way to identify content gaps on your website is to use a combination of keyword gap analysis and information gap analysis. This will help you identify opportunities to create content that will improve your search engine rankings and provide value to your readers.

Here are some additional tips for identifying content gaps:

  • Use a keyword research tool to identify popular keywords related to your industry.

  • Analyze your competitors' websites to see what keywords they are targeting.

  • Survey your target audience to see what topics they are interested in.

  • Use a content gap analysis tool to help you identify content gaps on your website.

Once you have identified content gaps, you can start to create new content that will fill those gaps. When creating new content, be sure to use relevant keywords throughout your content. You can also use other SEO techniques, such as internal linking and social media promotion, to help your content rank higher in search results.